Friday, June 19, 2009

A Year In The Old Pueblo

The world is definitely getting smaller, and time seems to progress faster all the time. Although it is hard to believe, it has been about a year since my family and I arrived in Tucson. I feel pretty fortunate to have landed in a place with SO MUCH rock climbing. I have been climbing once or twice a week since September, and still have not even seen at least half of the crags on Mt. Lemmon. And I haven't even touched any routes at Cochise Stronghold, Dry Canyon or The Homestead, three incredible areas within an hour and a half drive of here.

I have been just as lucky to find an amazing bunch of people to climb with, sharing in the excitement of seeking out new places and adventures, having fun pushing our limits and stumbling through cacti. And as some people leave us, hopefully we'll be able to find a new crop of enthused people to tackle the cliffs, domes and boulders of Southern Arizona with. Just this week I've had a blind date and an internet hookup. For partners. Climbing partners.

Since my last couple of posts have been a little too wordy, I thought I would share some of my favorite climbing pictures from this last year. We didn't really start taking a lot of pictures until the spring, so last fall isn't well represented. Too bad, because I don't have a single picture of one of the founding fathers of Team Tuesday, Christian. Unfortunately, due to an old stuntman injury (seriously!), Christian has been out of climbing all spring, and looks like for at least another year or so. Hopefully his ankle surgery will go marvelous and he will back climbing with us as soon as possible.


Clayton pitching off of Hippo Space Invaders

Beadle and Kerry cranking at Milagrosa

One big climbing goal achieved - my first 5.12 onsight, The Wizard

Team Saucisson comes to the desert

A long time bouldering project sent - Jungle Book in So. Illinois

Steep stuff at Milagrosa

Tucson bouldering

Meeting Mas Que Humano

Enjoying perfect spring conditions

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joe! Great to see the pics, makes me want to be there now, desert heat and all. Trusting I'll be up for the rock again by the autumn campaign!
